What is the price for shipping and where do orders ship from?
Orders $50 and above - Free Shipping in the USA.
Shipping rates for all other orders are automatically calculated based on the package weight and delivery destination.
All orders are shipped from our Los Angeles office.
What carriers do you use for shipping?
We use US Priority Mail or UPS for shipping our orders. Transit time for any location in the USA varies from 3-5 business days. Transit time for overseas shipping varies by country and can range from 10 – 30 days. Please track and report any issues within a reasonable time frame to
Do I have to pay customs duties for international orders?
For non-USA customers, import duty and taxes may be due when importing goods, whether by a private individual or a commercial entity. These charges, if any, are not included in the checkout total, and all such charges will be collected by local customs authority from the importer (you) at the time of delivery.
What returns do you accept?
We accept returns of products purchased on If you purchased your product from another retailer please return it to that retailer.
What is your return policy?
If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply return it. We accept returns within 30 days of purchase. We will happily credit your original form of payment. We are here to help you!
To initiate a return, login to your account using the link at the top of each page, select the order with the product(s) you want to return, select the product(s) and choose a return reason and add any details in the note section. Finally, click the "Submit request" button.
If your return request is approved and requires shipping, then you receive an email with shipping instructions and a return shipping label. After the product is returned, you receive a refund.
My product has a manufacturing defect, what should I do?
We do our best to make sure each item is perfect, but occasionally there can be a glitch. If you have a quality problem with one of our products, please contact us at, or call us at +1 909 265-4326. If possible, please include a photo!